November, 2024

22Nov21:00DJ-Session „Hit Git & Split No. 66“



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Cheers, Folks! – R U ready, really ready? Prepare for the next round of pumpin‘, stompin‘ & boppin‘ R&B at Hit Git & Split No. 66!!
We’re proud & happy to announce the next very special guest for this edition: DJ GONZALEZ – all the way from Kempten-Town & his bag full of rare 45-monsters – the finest in rockabilly, R&B & a whole lotta more!

Can’t wait to meet u all at the dance floor – put on your finest gab, get down on your knees & dance your feet to the bone! If you should miss to join us at your favourite high-class cocktail-joint, the Kongress Bar, you are definitely beyond any help!! So get ready to celebrate HIT & GIT & SPLIT No. 66 with us!

Spread the news and BE THERE!! Wir sehen uns im November!!

Facebook Link: Hit Git & Split No. 66


(Freitag) 21:00


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